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Aluminum Cans

Scrap aluminum cans consist of mostly of used beverage containers. We have 3 different Aluminum Prices for Cans. Dry and Crushed, Dry and Not Crushed, and Wet and Crushed or Not Crushed.
Scrap aluminum cans consist of mostly of used beverage containers. We have 3 different Aluminum Prices for Cans. Dry and Crushed, Dry and Not Crushed, and Wet and Crushed or Not Crushed.

Aluminum Clip

Aluminum clip includes sheet and solids that are free of dirt, paint, or other elements that may not be native to the metal. Most likely you will see this material stamped into different products. The alloys usually consist of 6063, 6061, 5052, 5005, 3004, 3003, and 1100.
Aluminum clip includes sheet and solids that are free of dirt, paint, or other elements that may not be native to the metal. Most likely you will see this material stamped into different products. The alloys usually consist of 6063, 6061, 5052, 5005, 3004, 3003, and 1100.

Aluminum Extrusions

Aluminum extrusions consist of solid manufactured pieces of aluminum that are usually 6061 and 6063 alloy. These pieces of aluminum must be free of dirt, attachments, and excess oil.
Aluminum extrusions consist of solid manufactured pieces of aluminum that are usually 6061 and 6063 alloy. These pieces of aluminum must be free of dirt, attachments, and excess oil.

Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil comes in all shapes and thicknesses. It must be free of food, oil, and any other contaminants.
Aluminum foil comes in all shapes and thicknesses. It must be free of food, oil, and any other contaminants.

Aluminum Rims

Clean aluminum rims have no wheel weights, valve stems, and are otherwise clean of any other debris.
Clean aluminum rims have no wheel weights, valve stems, and are otherwise clean of any other debris.

Aluminum Siding

This includes clean aluminum siding, fascia, soffits, and downspouts free of any dirt, screws, insulation, or other debris.
This includes clean aluminum siding, fascia, soffits, and downspouts free of any dirt, screws, insulation, or other debris.

Aluminum Turning’s

These turnings are very small shavings of aluminum which are the by-product of many manufacturing processes. They must be free of excess dirt, oil, and other contaminants.
These turnings are very small shavings of aluminum which are the by-product of many manufacturing processes. They must be free of excess dirt, oil, and other contaminants.

Bare Aluminum EC Wire

This wire should be at least 99% aluminum and free from, alloys, hair wire, insulation, dirt, and other contaminants.
This wire should be at least 99% aluminum and free from, alloys, hair wire, insulation, dirt, and other contaminants.

Insulated Aluminum EC Wire

This insulated wire consists of solid strands of aluminum without any insulation. The wire can have some dirt or oil on it.
This insulated wire consists of solid strands of aluminum without any insulation. The wire can have some dirt or oil on it.

Irony Aluminum

Irony aluminum can be a mix of different types of aluminum including cast, irony, and contaminated aluminum. These items can be old boat motors, large truck brake parts, contaminated aluminum, and any aluminum that may not otherwise fit into the other aluminum categories.
Irony aluminum can be a mix of different types of aluminum including cast, irony, and contaminated aluminum. These items can be old boat motors, large truck brake parts, contaminated aluminum, and any aluminum that may not otherwise fit into the other aluminum categories.

Lithographic Plates

Lithographic plates must be free of any plastic, ink, dirt, oil, and must be otherwise clean.
Lithographic plates must be free of any plastic, ink, dirt, oil, and must be otherwise clean.

Old Cast Aluminum

Clean cast aluminum includes a variety of cast products. Clean cylinder heads, clean transmission casings, grill lids, and any other clean castings.
Clean cast aluminum includes a variety of cast products. Clean cylinder heads, clean transmission casings, grill lids, and any other clean castings.

Old Sheet Aluminum

This class of scrap aluminum can have a small amount of steel screws. This includes window frames, door frames, pots, pans, and sheeting. No dirt, glass, or trash.
This class of scrap aluminum can have a small amount of steel screws. This includes window frames, door frames, pots, pans, and sheeting. No dirt, glass, or trash.

Highest Prices Paid for Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Lead, Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Steel in Baltimore.

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Dunalk, MD 21222



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