Lead and Battery
Clean Lead

Clean Lead must be clean and free of any Aluminum attachments, excess oil, dirt, debris, and anything that is not otherwise lead. Examples of clean lead are wheel weights, sinkers, lead plates and lead ingots.
Dirty Lead

Dirty Lead is lead with any attachments, excess oil, dirt, debris, or anything that is not otherwise lead.
Heavy Lead

This category includes all heavy lead objects. These may be lead keels from sailboats and heavy weights used for large-scale calibration. Some of these larger items may have Steel or some other attachments.
Lead Acid Batteries

Lead Acid Batteries are your normal car, truck, motorcycle, and lawn tractor batteries. These batteries are about 60% lead by weight. They are not normally encased in Steel.
Steel Cased Batteries

Steel Cased Batteries are Lead Acid Batteries encased in a large Steel Frame. These Batteries generally come from Forklifts.
Lead Coated Copper Cable

Lead Coated Copper Cable consists of any type of Copper cable that is enclosed in a lead or lead-alloyed casing.
Lead Wheel Weights

Lead wheel weights are used to balance automobile wheels after tires have been mounted. These must be clean and free of excess oil, dirt, or attachments.